hey guess what?! i climbed my first california mountain yesterday! and what an adventure it was. i set out with mark, brandon, and david...and i was expecting a great time, an awesome view, a good workout...but what i got was all that plus so much more :) yes, it was a great time! it surely was an incredible view of the mountains and the kind of beauty that overwhelms me. and yeah, it was a workout...my sore muscles today are reminding me of that. but i also got to experience the kind of wind that could knock someone off a mountain! hahaa...thank goodness it didn't! but wow, it was so stinkin' powerful and strong and it made the hike unforgettable. i didn't realize the wind was so strong until we were just a ways from the top. we passed a couple groups who said that they didn't make it all the way up. my first thoughts were, "oh, but we'll definitely make it!"....but eventually i got to thinking, "ok, maybe i can't do this!" it was out of control!! i've never been through anything like that before. seriously. there were times when i had to just crouch down on the ground, or lay flat, because i was no match for the wind. we ran from rock pile to rock pile trying to make it all the way up. when we finally made it up to 10064 feet, it was quite an accomplishment! it just so happens to be the tallest mountain that i've climbed :) so...the way down was an accomplishment just the same. the wind was still intense in spots....especially at the "passageway of death", which is what i like to call it. i was in the back of the line when we approached this particular spot, so when i looked up and saw it for the first time, i thought-oh my goodness, i don't know if we should be doing this! had it not been windy, it would've been a piece of pie...but with the wind barreling through this narrow trail with a rock slide on either side, i'm not gonna lie, i was a little scared. but we walked on :) and i'm glad we did...because it was fun, but absolutely crazy. at one point, the guy behind me was doing the crab walk just so he could stay close to the ground. that was probably the same point that i was huddled in a ball. i really thought that i was gonna go off the side! it was great. so, we made it through the death trap...and continued on. the wind was still howling, but it wasn't so bad. maybe we were just used to it. the trail was beautiful and the trees and mountains and clouds grabbed my attention. but pretty soon, the word was out that we had taken a different trail down than we thought we had. but it was all good...i had signed up for an adventure :) eventually it got to the point where we had to pull the headlamps out because darkness had set in, which made it even more fun. the end of the trail finally came in sight...but we were quite a bit off from where the car was at. so....guess what? i went with mark, and i got to hitchhike for the first time in my life :) i've always thought that would be fun, and it was definitely a good first-time experience. the woman that was gracious enough to give us a ride was super nice. and i was so thankful for her because, well, the car was way further than i thought! it would've been a rather long walk. it was a great day...and here's so pictures to show it. although...keep in mind that these photos don't capture the wind...the blasting frigid air...the beauty in its entirety...or the passageway of death (man, i wish i could've had a video of that to show ya'll, but i must say i was more concerned for my life:)
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