so i was talking with one of the campers today...and she was asking me about where i live and whether or not i still live with my parents. i could tell that her little brain was thinking real hard about what it all meant and what that would be like. then she says to me, in her cute little six-year-old voice..."you're so lucky. you get to make all your own decisions, and you get to have candy whenever you want!" she made me laugh outloud! sometimes i think about how easy it is to be a kid...the respsonsibility is at a minimum...you've got the rest of your life ahead of you, but she helped me realize that one of the perks of being a twenty-something is that i can eat sour patch kids and twizzlers for breakfast, if i so choose. :)
Hey! I would choose Sour Straws... or skittles... those are awesome. Sorry I didn't email you back this week... it was quite a busy week. So since you said you couldn't remember our blog, I thought i'd comment to you, so that you could just click on us and you'd be there! Clever, huh? I must warn you, I haven't done much with it all summer. I'm hoping to jump back on that prety soon, though.
your family is out there as I type... I know you're having an awesome time with them. I love your family! Give everyone a big hug for me...
Enjoy your week!
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