thanks for being faithful readers of my "little adventures" despite the fact that it has been several weeks since i posted anything. we finished up the spring season at emerald bay with two of the busiest weeks we've had yet. many kids, crazy schedules, and good times. this past week i actually had off...so ian, sharayah, and i flew home to rockford to surprise my family! and what a surprise it was! man, i love that kind of stuff. they had absolutely no idea...and it was so fun and good to see them! it was a pretty packed week trying to hang out with people and relax at the same time. it was good for my heart though to be able to be home. but it was also fun to come back to california because i knew i was coming back to a job that i really enjoy.
i went to an amazing church this morning, which filled me with a desire once again to go overseas and love people and tell them about Jesus. that has been a reoccuring theme over the years....hmmm.
this afternoon we decided to take a trip down to mexico. which is so foreign to me to think that i could just spend the afternoon in mexico. stange...but i love it. it was a first time for sharayah and ian...so it was a fun experience. we strolled through the market area and stuck out like a couple of tourists. oh how i love being in different places! i know it was just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the united states border, but it's quite a difference. there was this one woman selling stuff at her booth...and i could hardly communicate with her...but she just brought a smile to my face. she wanted me to buy a hat so bad, and maybe i would've if i'd had the money just because i liked her. she had a sparkle in her eye. then there were these little girls trying to sell us gum. oh, they were so precious.!
it was a quick little trip...and now i find myself at a ridiculously huge house in laguna beach. sharayah has a friend that nannies and lives with a family here. and quite honestly, as nice as this place is...i just don't fit here. sometimes it almost upsets me when people have so many "things". the houses in this neighborhood are straight from the movies. but i must say, i'm just excited to have a bed to sleep on for the night. the alternative was a tiny sail boat shared with five other people. so i guess i got the better end of the deal.
alright. i'm off to get some sleep. tomorrow we start a week of training for summer camp...and wednesday we head back to the island.
for those of you that i saw this past week at home...it was great to be there!! thanks for being a part of my life!
much love,
Love the pic! You guys are a great trio!
Thanks again for taking your week off in Rockford.It was SO MUCH fun to have you all here.
Hi, Brooke!
It was good to see you, though for a short time...
Have a nice week!
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