Thursday, February 21, 2008

from illinois to california and back...

...that pretty much says it! i'm returning to illinois :) it's official. my interview yesterday went fine, but i knew in my heart that illinois is where it seems the Lord is nudging me. in the big's not what i expected. a year ago when i left home, i didn't expect to be returning in one short year. but i'm excited! not sure what is going to happen...but it will be an adventure to say the least.
thanks for praying for me. one really neat thing about this all is that the past five or six days have been the sweetest time of waiting with the Lord that i have ever had. and even though the question went through my head countless times of why is this happening now....i'm really glad that it did. because i'm better for it. it's funny how the Lord grows us and changes us and teaches us...and the things that he uses to do it. i'm a big fan of it :)
i've gotta run, but i just wanted to give an update.

more later,

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