when i started off this season a few months back, one of the things that i wanted to do was to hike up to silver peak...which is the fourth highest on catalina, but the tallest spot on the west end. seeing that i've got less than two weeks left here, i thought it was about time. so yesterday nemo and i had a free afternoon, so we set out. it was a beautiful day, no doubt. just in case any of you out there have been skeptical or think i've been lying to ya, i just want ya'll to know that catalina island is absolutely beautiful! :) not in an everything-is-green-and-life-is-thriving kinda way...but it's amazing just the same. when we got close to silver peak, we were walking down a gravel road where we could see the ocean on both sides. it was awesome. we couldn't see the mainland at all, probably mostly due to the smoke from the fires that are still burning over there, but we did get a glimpse of one of the other channel islands to the west. we were hoping to see a whale breeching, but that was wishful thinking. i'm going to miss this place when i leave...
Hey Brooke,
Great pictures. Someday we'll have to get them into an album and write your "Catalina Story". You've definitely got some great material....Thanks for giving us a peek into your journey!!
Hey Brooke,
Thanks for sharing your life with those of us who watch from afar. The steps (or swim strokes) of your journey are beautiful and inspiring. I'm sure that God's presence must be so prevalent being steeped in His creation and all. The glimpses you provide remind me how amazing God is and compel praise to Him. I know that the next steps on God's path for you are a bit sketchy right now. Know that you are being prayed for...that God would reveal in just the right timing with great clarity and with great confidence! Press on, Brooke!
Your fellow sojourner,
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