alright, so living on an island is tough, as you can see from these photos. :)
these were from my trip to avalon last weekend. what a cute little place. at times i felt like i was in a different world. maybe it was because the town was filled with golf carts. it was just so unique...like we were in some play-land or something.
so all of last week, i was working at camp in emerald bay, which is on the opposite end of the island from avalon. also a phenomenal place, but so much more secluded. but the views are unbelievable. it's so strange to me that i'm working on an island. never quite thought i'd do that. and it sounds like i'm going to be moving to the island for good...as in leaving the camp up in the mountains and working on the island for the rest of the season. i wasn't expecting it, but i'm definitely ok with it. i've got lots to learn though...because i'm more comfortable in the mountains, just because i've spent more time in them.
so i work with this awesome girl named sharayah. now, sharayah has had quite the last two months. she has been accident prone, to say the least. so this past wednesday night, all of the sudden her lip got super swollen. huge. then she started having trouble breathing. being in the middle of nowhere on an island, we called baywatch...which is the island way of saying that we called 911. they came...and longer story short, she ended up getting air lifted over to the mainland. so, it was midnight....the camp is full of sleeping children....and in comes this helicopter. and off she went. i was scared for her...she was going all alone...and this is her second helicopter ride to a hospital on the mainland in the past two months. she's an incredibly tough girl, and she nearly refused to go...but after some encouraging on our part...she decided to do it. and we were all so glad because they ended up having to intibate her (not quite sure if i spelled that one right), and she's still in the hospital. ian (one of the guys from the island) and i took the boat over yesterday to be with her.
so much has happened...and i know this is brief....but i just wanted to let ya'll know that i'm still here and i'm doing well :)
my cell phone doesn't work on the island...and email time is limited, but keep checking back in for the latest on life in southern california :)
much love,
1 comment:
Awesome pics! It's so much fun to actually see where you're at.Tried making one of them my screensaver but didn't work.
Please know we'll be praying for Sharayah! It all seems very confusing & scary. But God rules over all & is constantly at work.
Loveya! Mom
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