Wednesday, February 6, 2008

the latest... most recent adventure is of a different sort. i've been working for an attorney through a temp agency. and while he isn't my favorite person in the world, i'm extremely thankful for the work. it's bringing back memories of my former days of working at the bank...because i have to dress up. man, i guess my msa attire of shorts and a t-shirt won't cut it for this one.

keep praying for me...change is coming...and i think it involves moving across the country again!

much love,

1 comment:

The Schmit Family said...

Count down is on my friend. I am not sure when you are returning to the great land of rockford, but make plans approximately 60 days from now to hang out with your pregnant friend tristan, her husband jonathan and little elly mmmm..... yippee... guess who is so excited... you got it!! Me.

love you sooooooo much....